Latest Version: 26.1.12 (201910.29.01)

Current Release Notes

I am still working through some crash activity and definitely getting closer! (knock on wood...)

I have made a lot of progress resolving issues that a 3rd party framework was causing with the new IOS13, but there are still some crashes occurring (on 10/29, 2 out of 1000 users were affected). The issue has something to do with when the app goes "into the background" and then is "brought forward". I need to isolate the specific set of conditions that occur to create this crash and am not able to do that in my test environments.

If it happens to you (you open the app and, instead of restoring to where your game was when you switched apps, you see the game loading again), please let me know. I'm wondering if it has to do with what caused the app to go into the background (e.g. an incoming call was answered) or because something like a Daily Award bonus is triggered when the app is re-activated. Any details from someone who gets impacted will be greatly appreciated.

On an upside (again, knock on wood!), the Chip Store issue has not raised its head since that update was released. (Massive sigh of relief here!)

As always, thanks to everyone who pitches in and helps when issues are uncovered. With 27 games across multiple devices, the code base for Riverboat Gambler has grown tremendously. As my first app, this was originally meant to be a fun diversion. Now, though, it has grown into a popular game with a loyal Player base that requires a lot care and feeding to maintain. I really couldn't do this without your help. It's not my "day job"!

~ Danny

Known Issues
  1. A friend indicated that the app is crashing when he tries to open it and he is not being notified that there is a pending version update in the Store. I cannot reproduce, but I am theorizing that it is actually the update check that may be causing the issue. Please let me know if you have a similar experience and if it gets resolved by either manually updating the app or when your app automatically applies an update.
  2. Roulette randomly crashes from time to time on the IPad 10.5. It does not happen frequently and I cannot reproduce. I am not sure if it is a rare occurrence because of a special set of conditions on that particular device or because few folks are playing that game. If you get impacted, please provide any details you may have.
Please note that the current release may be pending Apple App Store review. You can find your current version by tapping the Riverboat logo at the top of the main list of games and at the bottom of the Credits & Version screen.

All content is property of Riverboat Gambler, LLC