Casino War


Casino War is a game most folks played as children. It is played heads up, Player against Dealer, to see who can get the highest card. If the cards are the same (a tie), then a war begins. Whoever wins the war, wins the game

The game is played with six decks. Cards are ranked as in poker, except aces are always high. Suits have no impact on this game.

How To Play

Placing Wagers

The game begins by placing an Ante wager. This wager may be from $5 to $500 and is paid if the Player wins the hand. There is also an optional Tie Bonus wager. This bet is won if the value of the Player's first card matches the value of the Dealer's first card. The maximum amount of the bonus wager is $100.

Tapping on the Ante or Bonus spots will increase the wager by the default amount ($5, $10, $25, $50, $100) that is defined in Preferences. Before cards are dealt, these wagers can be withdrawn by pressing and holding the spot for a brief moment. If the maximum amount for a wager is exceeded, the wager will be cleared.

Playing the Game

Once wagers have been placed, the Player and the Dealer will each receive a single card when the Deal button is pressed. If the values of the cards are different, the holder of the highest card value wins the hand. If the Player wins, the Ante wager is paid in accordance with the odds defined in the Payout Table. The Tie Bonus wager is forfeit if the card values are not the same.

If the cards are the same value, the hand is considered a tie. At this point, the Player must decide to break the tie by waging war or to surrender to the Dealer and forfeit half of the original Ante. At this point, the Player has already won the Tie Bonus payout if that optional wager was placed.

If the Player opts to wage war, a second War wager in the amount of the original Ante must be placed. This wager is placed by tapping the "Wage War" button. In a war, the next three cards in the deck are discarded and both the Player and the Dealer receive one additional card. Whoever has the highest card is declared the winner.

If the second cards are a tie, the war is said to have ended in a truce and the Player is declared the winner. The Ante and optional Tie Bonus wagers are paid in accordance with the odds defined in the Payout Table. There is no payout for the War wager that is required to wage a war.

NOTE: The six decks will be reshuffled anytime the number of remaining cards is less than 52.

Quick Replay

The hand ends after all cards have been revealed.

After a round completes, if the Player presses the Deal button, a new hand will be dealt and the same Ante and bonus wager amounts from the preceding hand will be made.

If the Player does not want to repeat the last set of wagers, play will resume after the Player has adjusted the wagers and pressed the Deal button.

Pay Table

Hand Payout

War Ends in a Truce2 to 1
Player WinsAnte

Tie Bonus Payout

War Is Declared (Tie)10 to 1