Down Under Blackjack

How To Play

Object of the Game

Like Blackjack, in Down Under Blackjack, the Player and the Dealer each start with two cards. Then, by drawing additional cards, they attempt to achieve a greater point value than has their opponent without exceeding 21. If a hand exceeds 21, it is considered "busted" and becomes invalid to win the round.

In Down Under Blackjack, the Player is provided some insight into the Dealer's Hole Card in that she is informed whether the Dealer's unexposed card is Small (2,3,4,5), Medium (6,7,8,9), or Large (10,J,Q,K,A).

This information can prove beneficial when deciding how to play the hand!

Cards are assigned point values in the following manner:

  1. Aces: 1 point or 11 points
  2. 10s, Jacks, Queens, Kings: 10 points
  3. All other cards: face value

A calculated hand value that uses an Ace as 11 points is referred to as "soft". For example, 11 + 6 = 17. This is called a "Soft 17".

Starting the Hand

The hand starts when the Player places a wager between the minimum $5 and the maximum of $500 and presses the "Deal" button. Both the Player and the Dealer are then dealt two cards. The Dealer's first card is dealt face down and the second card is dealt face up. Then, before the round continues, the Dealer checks the unexposed card and informs the Player whether that card falls into the Small, Medium, or Large category.

If both of the Dealer's cards are Large (10,J,Q,K,A), the Dealer is said to have two "Gold Cards". In these cases, the "Dealer Golden Rule" is invoked and both Dealer cards are exposed, allowing the Player to see the Dealer's hand before having to act on her own hand.

If the first two cards in a hand total 21 (an Ace and any card worth 10 points), the hand is known as a "Blackjack". A Blackjack is an automatic win unless both the Dealer and the Player have Blackjack. In such cases, the hands are considered a Push (Draw).

After the initial cards are dealt if the Dealer has a Blackjack the hand ends. If the Player also has a Blackjack, the hand is considered a Push and the Player wager is refunded. If the Player does not have a Blackjack, the hand is lost.

Player Decisions

If there is not a Blackjack after the intial deal, the Player is the first to act and has four options from which to choose:

  1. HIT: So long as the hand has not busted, the Player may "Hit", meaning draw additional cards in an attempt to reach 21 points.

  2. STAND: If the Player does not wish to take additional cards, a "Stand" is made. This ends play for the current hand and moves attention to the next Player hand or, if all Player hands have completed, to the Dealer's hand.

  3. SPLIT: If the first two cards of a hand are the same point value, the Player is allowed to split them into two hands. When a Split is made, the Player places an additional wager equal to his initial wager. The Dealer separates the first two cards and the Player then plays out the two separate hands in turn. The Player may split one time in Down Under Blackjack. In the case of hands split from Aces, each new hand receives a single card and is forced to Stand.

  4. DOUBLE DOWN: The Player is allowed to double the initial wager in exchange for committing to making a Stand after drawing a single card. This action can only be taken for the first two cards in a hand. The Player may not Hit and then Double Down. Doubling Down is allowed after a Split occurs.

Ending the Hand

After the Player acts it is the Dealer's turn to act. Dealer decisions relative to drawing additional cards are guided by two simple rules:

  1. If there are any Player hands that did not bust and were not Blackjack, the Dealer must draw cards until his total is greater than or equal to 17 points.

  2. The Dealer does not draw on Soft hands of 17 points or greater.

If the Dealer busts, all Player hands that have not busted automatically win and are paid their wagers.

If the Dealer does not bust:

  1. Player hands with greater point values than has the Dealer win the round and are paid their wagers.

  2. Player hands with lower point values than has the Dealer lose the round and forfeit their wagers.

  3. Player hands with the same number of points as has the Dealer are deemed a Push and the wagers are refunded.

The Player Golden Rule

The Player Golden Rule is invoked when the Dealer busts with exactly 22 points. In these cases, the Player is paid even money for hands that contain exactly two Gold Cards (10,J,Q,K,A) and for any hand that contains 21 points. All other Player hands that did not bust are a Push and the Player's wager is refunded.

Side Bets/Bonuses

There are 3 optional side bets that can be played in Riverboat Gambler Blackjack: Dealer Match, TriLux, and Lucky Lucky.

All of these bets involve using the Player's initial two cards with the Dealer's first exposed card. If these spots are wagered, they are paid regardless of who wins the round. The odds for the wagers are in the Payout Table.

  1. Dealer Match: Dealer Match is paid if one or both of the Player's cards match the Dealer's first card. Matches are based on demonination not on card value. A higher payout is made if the match is both denomination and suit.

  2. TriLux: This bet uses the Player's first two cards and the Dealer's first exposed card to form a 3 Card Poker hand. Payouts are made for hands that are a Straight or higher and all are for the same amount (9 to 1).

  3. Lucky Lucky: The Lucky Lucky bonus calculates the total of the Player's first two cards and the Dealer's first exposed card and pays for totals of 19, 20, and 21. There are higher payouts if a 21 is made with sequential cards or Three of a Kind.

Quick Replay

After the hand has ended, if the Player presses the Deal button, the same Bets will be placed and new cards will be dealt.

If the Player does not want to repeat the last wager, play will resume after a wager has been made and the Deal button has been pressed.

Pay Table

First Two Cards

(Double Down on 1st two cards only)
Beat the Dealer1 to 1
Blackjack3 to 2

Lucky Lucky Bonus

19 Total2 to 1
20 Total2 to 1
21 Total3 to 1
Suited 21 Total10 to 1
6-7-830 to 1
7-7-750 to 1
6-7-8 Suited100 to 1
7-7-7 Suited200 to 1

TriLux Bonus

Flush9 to 1
Straight9 to 1
3 of a Kind9 to 1
Straight Flush9 to 1

Dealer Match Bonus

(Match Dealer's 1st Card)
1st Card Match4 to 1
1st Card Suited Match11 to 1
2nd Card Match4 to 1
2nd Card Suited Match11 to 1