Current Release

Version: 48.7.0 (202502.18.02)
As always, thanks to everyone who pitches in and helps when issues are uncovered. With 69 games across multiple devices and platforms (66 on Android), the code base for Riverboat Gambler has grown tremendously.

As my first app, this was originally/simply meant to be a fun diversion. Now, though, it has grown into a popular application with a loyal Player community and it requires a lot of care and feeding to maintain.

I really couldn't do this without your help!

~ Danny

No known issues!

Current Release Notes

Some significant updates to the Blackjack games to address screens, animation, and performance. I am still researching crashes that occur if the app is left open in the background while playing Blackjack. In the meantime, "don't do that"!

Please keep sending your feedback, suggestions, and requests and, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a review in the Play Store to let others know what you think about Riverboat Gambler. You are my best advertising!
